Our beliefs are our reality
"Your thoughts drive your beliefs, so guard them with your life"
You were created in the likeness of the Creator. Being the son or daughter of the Creator means you're free to create the world around you. The world around you is created based on your belief of who you are and who you choose to be.
You're constantly creating the world around you based on your beliefs. And it happens whether you're concious of it or not. God loves you unconditionally. Which means there's nothing you can do to fall out of favour with God. You're free to experience life and make it what you will based on your beliefs.
The question is who do you believe you are? Are you unsatisfied with your life or a certain aspect of it? If so, then make a concious effort to review who you believe you are in that area of your life. You'll find that your reality matches your belief.
For example, are you up to your eye-balls in debt and can't ever seem to get out of it? Then look at your belief in that area. Chances are your thoughts are filled with obsession and fear of being in debt and when the next bill will arrive. You're in debt because all your thoughts and therefore your beliefs are focused on being in debt. Your belief is that your in debt. So, your reality simply follows your belief.
You are a creator. You have more power than you can imagine. Focus your thoughts and beliefs on what you ARE, instead of what you're AFRAID of. Focusing your thoughts on what you're afraid of simply strengthens your belief of that fear and brings more of the same.
Believe your debt-free. Better yet, believe your a millionaire. Focus your mind on thoughts of BEING a millionaire. That will feed your belief that you ARE a millionaire. And your reality will catch up to your belief. That's a simple law of the universe. It's been covered in a lot of self-help literature over the ages. Including techniques like "Visualization". And most recently sited as the Law of Attraction in the book, "The Secret" (great book and DVD by the way).
A belief isn't a want, or a wish, its a deep seeded knowing that you already are the thing you choose. In fact a want and wish works against your belief. Because if you want or wish for something, you believe you don't have it.
And all beliefs start with your thoughts. Guard your thoughts with your life. Because your thoughts are the building blocks of your life. Your mind can be your greatest enemy, or your greatest allie. If left unchecked, your mind will focus on its instinct for survival. It will do everything in its power to keep you safe. And how much safer can you be when your alone in your room? Everything and everyone is seen as a threat to your survival in its primitive scope. That old adage, "An idile mind is the playground of the devil" holds true in that if left unchecked, your mind will leave you eventually alone and in your own lonely hell on earth.
However, when you enact your free will and guide your mind, and constantly focus your thoughts on your belief in who you are and who you choose to be, the world is your oyster.